It's New Years Eve 2013. I haven't forgotten how to blog. Truth be told, blogging has been on the to-do list almost every day, and I just haven't gotten far enough down the long, long list to make it to my writing time! I'd like to change that - I hope to change it!!
The other day, I was having a conversation with my parents and my hubs and I summed up the year with a negative attitude and a grumpy outlook. "This year sucked" and "worst year ever" were both a part of my evaluation. Because this isn't my usual Polyanna way, the folks at the table were troubled, shocked and taken aback by my declaration. They said, "Not really"... and "Are you sure?" and "Think about this... and that... and this...".
And I have thought.
And maybe 2013 was a "smidge" better than I was giving it credit for.
To tell you the truth, the year was just a personal drag. It was filled with letdowns, fears, disappointments and sub-par quality of living. Things I wanted to conquer, remained monstrous. Places I wanted to see my life go, left un-visited. Struggles with my health that I hadn't ever had to deal with. Don't get me wrong - I didn't quit, never let anyone see me sweat (well almost nobody)... Through it all, I smiled, prayed, and remained grateful, but towards the end of year it was no longer healthy not to just make an admission of "this is draining", "this isn't fun", and "I don't like this". Sometimes, it just needs to be said.
The year was also a year of adventures, vacations, remodeling, kids turning 7, 9, 13 and 15. ( It was an "odd" year!! Maybe that explains something :).) The family laughed a lot, camped some, grew a lot, re-decorated a lot, prayed A LOT, fought a little (a lot), cheered each other on a lot, danced a lot, hugged a lot, texted a lot, folded laundry a lot, drove a lot, loaded and loaded and reloaded the dishwasher a lot, shared secrets a lot, cried some, cleaned a lot, kicked the ball a lot, threw the ball a lot, hit the ball a lot... in some ways it was a fantastic year. I am so grateful that every year, each one of us grow and change and morph into the person that God created us to be. Its never going to be an easy trek, this living thing, but in our household this living thing is certainly never dull.
So... I'm ready. Ready for a new year, a new perspective, a new day.
I welcome you, 2014. Lets do this thing!!
I just got this sweet text from one of my dear friends. It was a great reminder of the goodness swirling around my world. Icing on the New Years Eve cake...
I'm thankful for all that makes up this very special gift of life. The good, the hard, the rough, the wonderful. All mixed together, it produces what one of my favorite authors, Glennon Melton, calls "Brutiful". and That is a "for sure thing". This Life is Brutiful.
Happy New Year!!!