Saturday, January 30, 2010

All knowing -

that would be Meredith.  Or Meredith Grace as she is known (and LOVED) at school. ( There are 2 little girls named Meredith in her class so our Meredith goes by Meredith Grace.  She is the most popular girl at school... or so she will tell you.) Her best friends at school are Carson and Jacob.  Carson "went to the mountains" last week and Jacob "throwed up", so MG was a little lost at school because they were gone.    She is so excited because this week they are celebrating 100s day at school.  Last week, she got to have a pajama day, including the fun of bringing a stuffed animal friend.  She has learned to read and is taking every book she can get her hands on by STORM.   If only I had known when I was a kindergartner to cherish every moment.  It was about SO much more than glue and coloring.  It really is where you become... ALL KNOWING!!!  

Tired boys

Daddy came home from a trip... and was tired. 
Michael is just getting over a cold... and is tired.  
Such a sweet picture of my guys.


Some days, I forget how blessed I am.  Some days, it doesn't occur to me how blessed I am to be able to read and walk and see and smell.  Other days, I distance myself from the blessing of my healthy children and the love and provision from my dear husband.  I have learned (from the Bible Study I am participating in) over the last week that my general tendency is to turn irritation into tribulation.  I allow things like having to wait into something much more serious.  And the truth is, I don't need to!  Waiting for something or someone is not the same as suffering, and yet I am so prone to equate the two.   I am blessed beyond words, and there are days that I just forget that.

The weekends that our family is all home together are just the best.  We are a complete US and I love it.  I make due when we aren't all together (because I have to!), but it absolutely thrills me when we are all at the table eating together, or laughing together over a movie, or all in the van going somewhere, or the laundry basket is completely full.  These are moments that I cherish.

This afternoon, the big girls and I went over to the store "Justice" to spend their Christmas money.  It was a fun hour spent in the store trying on outfits and seeing the differences between the two of them.  Maddie got a cute shirt and a CD, Marky got 2 cute sweaters.  We went next door to Gymboree and found a couple of things for the little ones.  It was a fun, fun time.

Tomorrow is a church day - we haven't been to church together as a family in a long time.  It will be a blessing that I WON'T forget being there all together.