Friday, February 25, 2011
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Posted by
9:56 PM
Friday, February 18, 2011
Posted by
8:52 PM
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Every once in a while, if you are a Bible studyin' girl, a study comes along that just fits with the place you're at in life. The one that has come to me at just the right time is "Brave" by Angela Thomas. The format is easy, the content so applicable, the truths so easy to grasp, and the fellowship with the other women I'm in a group with has been very refreshing. I am so happy to have the chance to listen to Angela Thomas teach and to study the concepts of being a BRAVE woman. For those circumstances that are unpredictable, I need courage; for those wounds that are only half-scabbed over, I need courage; for all of the days that the coward in me wants to run and hide, I need courage. This study of bravery is the study I need right now. I read an insightful quote about courage.
Posted by
9:43 PM
Monday, February 14, 2011
All love
- smelling the beautiful roses that arrived for me with a card expressing my hubby's love
- each one of my kiddos even more this Valentines Day than last years
- that Michael packed up all of his baby books to give to his little baby friend
- the delicious lunch and encouraging conversation I had with a lifelong friend
- that all 4 of my kiddies walked the entire 2 miles of the hike that we took yesterday
- the listening ear of my sweet mother
- that Patrick has been home for 2 weeks
- that Meredith is excited to do research on Theodore Roosevelt
- hearing Marky give advice to Maddie only to hear Maddie say "thanks"
- that I was blessed enough to hold a 4 month old baby today
- how warm the weather was and is predicted to be for the next few days
- that God's grace never runs out, that He loved me first and that His love doesn't depend on me
Posted by
11:07 PM
Thursday, February 10, 2011
February 10, 2011
Posted by
2:50 PM
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Posted by
2:39 PM
Saturday, February 5, 2011
The Weekend
- I get to sleep in
- ot breakfast
- someone in the house takes a nap
- I get the "pile" on the kitchen counter cleaned up
- We make a trip to Sams Club
- bills get paid
- Daddy is home
- I get to finish my morning cup of coffee
- the laundry gets finished
- the little ones get to watch movies
- I launder things like towels and rugs
- a glass of wine and a bottle of beer is a guarantee
- a meal out happens at least once
- Patrick does most of the cooking
- paper plates
- I get to watch a movie or two
- no homework
- good church service
- extra time lounging in my favorite chair reading
- I catch up on projects that I started during the week
I caught a little bit of spring fever this past week and got some tulips to brighten up my mood. I loved seeing their happy faces all week long. It helped me through the days of freezing temperatures, knowing that Spring is not too far away.
Posted by
7:08 PM
Friday, February 4, 2011
My own groundhogs day
Days have passed in unfamiliar ways this week. Nothing earth shattering has occurred, it just hasn't been a regular week. Our normal schedule has been interrupted and shaken up a bit. I've had kids home sick, we had two snow days that didn't have any snow in them just freezing temperatures, the house has been cold, one of the doggies isn't eating, I ran out of Diet Pepsi, there hasn't been much mail, the book I'm reading is boring, I don't have any crafty things going on, I've had days with a lot of quiet and not much to do. Just a weird week, with lots of empty spaces in it. Empty spaces that I used to be able to fill up with long phone calls with special people, walks around my favorite stores, pages read in anticipation of finishing the next book on the list, fun projects done to use up my creative energy. I need to get my groove back - hopefully I will find it in this short, cold month of February. I know it hasn't gone far; I think it's just hibernating for now. Maybe it saw it's groovy shadow and decided not to come out and play quite yet. Whatever the reason, I guess I will hang on until it comes back...
Posted by
2:47 PM