Sunday, July 20, 2008
Bubble Yum
Earlier this week, I let the 3 girls buy their own packages of bubble gum when we were at Target. For some reason we are very into gum these days. So, we've been talking about gum, chewing gum, blowing lots of bubbles... you get my drift. Meredith is so happy that now she is a "big girl" so she can chew gum. (Interpretation of big girl - 4 years old. ) Michael has asked if he can have gum and has been told numerous times that he can't because he's not a big boy yet. (All 3 sisters as well as his mommy have told him that.) Well, he came downstairs to ask me if he could have gum and he said "I a big boy". Patrick was with me, and he said "no, you're not a big boy yet." Michael said a little louder, "YES - I'm a big boy like YOU, Daddy". After a few exchanges like this, Michael accepted his little boy status and asked Daddy if HE wanted the piece of gum that he had in his hand. Patrick said no, he didn't want it. Michale looked confused (why would you turn it down if you COULD have it?) and then made a conclusion in his sweet little brain. "Gum is for girls, not boys."
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7:21 AM
A Markle
Meredith - "Look, daddy, it's a markle!" (pointing to a freckle on her arm)
Daddy - "What's a markle"?
Meredith - (exasperated with her less than intelligent daddy) "THIS!" (pointing to her freckle)
Daddy - "Oh, that!" (after mommy explains that she has combined the words freckle and mark)
Meredith - smile
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7:17 AM