I love pulling up to my house these days. I love seeing the happy daffodils decorating the front yard. I forget, while I'm away, that spring has arrived. When I drive into the driveway, a reminder is shouted out to me by the tulips and the buds on the trees. What a beautiful season, spring. Its about new and old; what's been under the ground coming back to life and all that has been dormant unleashed for new growth. We planted a few seeds last weekend. The kids were excited to be a part of the planning but were more thrilled to get caught up in the action. Eating peas out of the garden, cooking with herbs from my pots, watering the soil watching intently for the first sign of life. Spring is not just a season for us... it's an activity!!
A few days ago, I took a long walk out in an open prairie. It is actually called "open space". As I was walking, I pondered for a few minutes the wonder of OPEN space. In my mind, in my schedule, in my home, in my heart. Life gets filled up so quickly and that is just a fact. The hours of the day have appointments scheduled in them, the calendar slots have reminders written down. Sometimes it seems like my head and my heart begin to imitate this picture. I get in too much of a hurry to feel pain or pleasure, it all comes in as the same emotion. I don't take the time to recognize God's provision or celebrate the fulfillment of a promise. It has become apparent that open space is something that I need to build into the landscape of my life.
So all week long, I have been trying to make choices that would begin that building process. This hunt for open space has been a pleasant one; not one that will end this week but will be something that I keep working on. Yesterday, I got a sweet message from a friend. I'm sure she has no idea that I was feeling insecure and lapped up her words as water to my dry soul. She was just being kind, but God knew that I was on the verge of a pity-dripping party and that her encouragement would lift me up out of. She opened up space for me to hope. Progress in my little guy's reading and challenges accepted by a daughter finishing up elementary school further that hope. As I open up space in my world, the space doesn't feel empty, it feels ready. Ready for whatever God has for me. Maturity, growth, what is unknown and what is familiar. One step at a time.
I'm trying to make friends with our new camera. Up until now, I've been afraid of all of the buttons and modes. Today, I'm less afraid and with a little knowledge and anticipation I'm rarin to go. I begged Michael if I could take some pics of him in 2 new t-shirts that I made him. He shocked me and very willingly smiled for me. Of course sister had to get in on the action. It was fun practicing some of what I learned at a photography class that I took last week. Knowing that I didn't learn enough, I signed up for session 2. I love thinking that I could actually take a decent picture soon. I sure have cute subjects to practice on!!
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