Yesterday at church we sang an old favorite hymn of mine. "On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand". As I sang the words full of truth, a modernized yet so familiar version, I felt hugged by my Father. The familiarity of this song brought comfort to my emotion filled heart. I almost didn't make it to sing praises to the Lord. My selfishness wanted me to stay home. I'm so glad that I didn't. I would have missed such a blessing. Not far from me, lifting up their voices in praise, were two friends of mine who are widows. One young and recent, one older and not so recent. My dear friend who buried her mother in April stood just pews away from these. I know of others who were singing that have left doctors appointments with awful news; some who have relationships with loved ones that are less than ideal. For all of us who had the courage and the faith to proclaim in song
"My faith is built on nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness.
I dare not trust the sweetest frame but wholly lean on Jesus' name."
I pray that God will be found as our very solid rock.
"All other ground is sinking sand."